Thank you for visiting.

Over the past years, I have dedicated much, much of my free time to learning how I could help the sport of table hockey and table hockey community generally.

This has included, but is by no means limited to learning new technical skills and publishing this site this summer and our first podcasts.

Saying “yes” to that meant saying “no” to other things.

Like most of you, I have a family to care for and guide in their growth, employment where there is much to do, projects around my home and other interactions to manage.

Having reached a milestone, producing and publishing The Table Hockey Show, it is now time to pause before the new table hockey season begins alongside ice hockey (late September, early October).

It is my plan to focus my time the remainder of this summer and first few weeks of September on my family, job, and home; taking a vacation from table hockey, so that I can return to this endeavor refreshed.

All the best to you and your family!