Paulius Kestauskas, Journalist
World Table Hockey Association (WTHA)
Vilnius, Lithuania

Paulius Kestauskas, Vilnius, Lithuania, EU.
Paulius Kestauskas is a staff journalist from Lithuania for the World Table Hockey Association, (International) Inc.
You might be interested to learn that “World Table Hockey Association” translates in Lithuanian to “Pasaulio Stalo Ledo Ritulio Asociacija” where “Hockey” translates to “Ledo Ritulys.”
Lithuania is situated among the Baltic states in northeastern Europe and is a member of the European Union.
Living in the beautiful capital of Lithuania, Kestauskas says, “there are a lot of fun, historic, and interesting places you can go in your free time or as a tourist.”
Kestauskas is currently in his third year studying Law and Customs at Mykolo Romerio University, “the only Lithuanian university that appeared in the subject ranking for the law among the 300 best universities of the world.” As a law student and journalist for the WTHA, Kestauskas strives to funnel his energy, creativity, and ambition into mature and responsible approaches resolving serious issues or reporting WTHA news.
Friendship, Fun, and Relaxation
Kestauskas enjoys playing basketball, football (soccer) and table hockey. In high school, he and his friends learned how to play table hockey on an old table hockey game they found in the back of the gymnasium.
Most people who enjoy table hockey are casual players or fans of the game. So, Kestauskas is like most as he considers himself a casual table hockey player. We think there is a point to be made here in that he enjoys the more intimate moments and memories found where table hockey is the means to an end, which is shared experiences, memories, friendship, and fun.
At the end of a long day at law school, he enjoys one of life’s simple pleasures…taking his dog for a walk.
Posts and Contact Information
To contact Paulius Kestauskas, send an e-mail to Paulius (.) Kestauskas @WTHA.EU (that’s “.EU” for European Union).
For general questions or inquiries, send an e-mail to the WTHA, info (@)
Click, All Articles by Paulius Kestauskas, to read all of the articles he has authored.
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About Vilnius, Lithuania
As a Journalist for the World Table Hockey Association in Lithuania, Paulius Kestauskas will provide you news and information about people and events involving table hockey or ice hockey in Lithuania and possibly in nearby countries of northeastern Europe.
Therefore, the WTHA is offering you an opportunity to have a native of Vilnius provide you with news and information about table hockey, the people, culture, attractions, and things to do in Lithuania.
So, we encourage you to come back here to to read Paulius’ news articles, email him questions, or leave us a voice mail with your questions at 1-855-500-WTHA (9842).
Of course, you can visit the city’s official website by clicking this link to Vilnius.LT. (There is a version in English, along with translations in Lithuania, Russian, and Polish). There you can obtain current information about upcoming events and festivals.
Or go to Wikipedia, which also offers information about Lithuania, Vilnius, and the Old Town of Vilnius’ at city center. The Old Town of Vilnius is one of the largest surviving medieval old towns in Northern Europe and was designated by UNESCO in 1994, as a World Heritage Site (#541).
In conclusion, Kestauskas says, “Vilnius is a beautiful city. Everyone needs to come to see this beautiful architecture.”

Panoramic photo Old Town Vilnius, Lithuania. (Used with Permission Lestat (Jan Mehlich) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

Spring Events, Vilnius, Lithuania. (Copyright Vilnius Tourism)
You might enjoy learning about Vilnius TV Tower – TV tower, museum, restaurant and one of the tallest structures in the world. Or, if you are interested in castles and fortresses, you can learn about or visit Gediminas Castle Tower (pictured below).

The Vilnius Castle Museum was opened in 1960, and in 1968 it became a subdivision of the Lithuanian National Museum. The exposition of the Vilnius Castle Museum displays reconstruction models of Vilnius castles of the second part of the 14th and the beginning of the 17th centuries, armament, iconographic material of old Vilnius. An observation deck on the top of the tower is the best place from which to appreciate a magnificent panorama of Vilnius. (Copyright National Museum of Lithuania and Vilnius Tourism)
In Vilnius Old Town you can visit Pilies street—a hub of cafes and nightlife; Gediminas Avenue; Vilnius Cathedral‘s neo-classical architecture, and Vilnius Cathedral Square a lively and important location where New Year’s salutes, fairs, and exhibitions occur and are one of the most widely known symbols of Lithuania.

One of the most impressive amusements is hot-air balloon flights. When weather conditions are favorable hot-air balloons can take off and land in the very center of the city; Vilnius, Lithuania. Copyright Vilnius Tourism and Smile Balloons.